Good News for Gamer Girls

Is your SheHero a video game fan? Well if she is, now might be a good tome to encourage her to consider making that hobby her career.

It probably sdeosn’t seem too surprising that according to the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) 72% of American households play computer and video games. What you may not realize though is that 42 percent of gamers are women. Or that women over 18 years of age are one of the industry's fastest growing demographics? In fact according to ESA, adult women represent a greater portion of the game-playing population (37 percent) than boys age 17 or younger (13 percent).

42 percent of all game players are female, yet sadly; women represent less than 10 percent of the gaming workforce. This is why many video game developers are starting to actively seek women into their ranks.

There is whole world of opportunity for girl gamers right now to pursue positions as developers, designers, artists, engineers, publishers and marketers. Not just basic job opportunities, but opportunities where women are being welcomed with open arms and as being essential to the always growing field of video games.

So if your SheHero is a gamer with a love for math and science, share with her the results of this ESA study and tell her that the video game industry is waiting for her!

By the way, while we’re on the topic of video games and girls, remember that last year a study from Brigham Young University found that girls who co-play age-appropriate video games with their parents are more connected with their family, less likely to be depressed and just better behaved in general.

So rest easy the next time you see your daughter pick up the video game controller she may just be preparing for who fabulously successful career on the video game industry…

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