Girls Inc. Featured at the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting

Last week was the 2010 annual meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative.  The Clinton Global Initiative's main goal is to “turn ideas into action and to help our world move beyond the current state of globalization to a more integrated global community of shared benefits, responsibilities, and values.” Annual CGI meetings have been attended by 25 current and former heads of state, 15 Nobel Peace Prize winners, hundreds of leading global CEOs, major philanthropists and foundation heads, directors of the most effective non-governmental organizations, and prominent members of the media.

This year one of the main four action areas focused on during the annual CGI meeting was the empowerment of women and girls. It was an exciting step forward for girls from every corner of the world. CGI, among many other organizations, is stepping forward and realizing that the empowerment of women and girls across the globe can only benefit members of each and every nation.

Our friends at Girls Inc. were front and center for the annual meeting where their commitment to encouraging girls in under-served communities to explore career paths in mathematical, scientific, and technical fields was featured.

You can check out the session at

Take advantage of this event and watch the video with your kids. Use some of the topics discussed to open a dialogue with your own children. Ask them what they think about some of the initiatives being committed to this year. Is there a global initiative you’re family can commit to this year?  Maybe reducing your carbon footprint, volunteering, raising money or supplies for communities that need them or any number of ideas?

By teaching your children to “Think Globally, Act Locally” you are instilling a compassionate way of thinking that will stick with them for the rest of their life.

We congratulate Girls Inc. for the recognition they received this year and thank CGI for making the empowerment of women and girls across the globe a top priority,

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